Council Meeting

Virtual Alberta Beach Council Chambers, Alberta Beach, Alberta, Canada

Council Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Sunset Point Office at 7 pm. Everyone welcome!

Council Meeting

Virtual Alberta Beach Council Chambers, Alberta Beach, Alberta, Canada

Next Council Meeting is October 9th.

Val Quentin Council Meeting

Virtual Alberta Beach Council Chambers, Alberta Beach, Alberta, Canada

SV Val Quentin Council Meeting

Virtual Alberta Beach Council Chambers, Alberta Beach, Alberta, Canada

Val Quentin Council Meeting

Virtual Alberta Beach Council Chambers, Alberta Beach, Alberta, Canada

Council Meeting

Lac Ste. Anne SV Regionalization Study

The Summer Villages on Lac St. Anne have been working together to explore governance options in an effort to improve service delivery, decrease costs, and improve municipal efficiency. A draft framework has been developed based on input from each of the municipalities and the public. We will be sharing the recommendations with all summer village […]

SV of Val Quentin Council Meeting

Virtual Alberta Beach Council Chambers, Alberta Beach, Alberta, Canada