Illegal Dumping

Home » What’s New & Alerts » Illegal Dumping

Please be advised that the Highway 43 East Waste Commission, at their Executive Meeting on Friday, October 29th, 2010, discussed the issue of illegal dumping of garbage on public roadways.  The Commission encourages each and every municipality to advise their resident’s that this is illegal, and further, any person caught doing this will be charged under the Environmental Protection Act, Section 179(1), and fined up to $250.00, Section 228(3)(a).  Further, assistance from the public is needed to identify individuals who may be illegally dumping their waste.

The Commission will be placing ads in local papers to inform the public.  We wish to invite you to also place advertisements in your newsletters, monthly utility invoices, on your website, etc. to assist us with this issue.

A copy of the letter

last edited: Friday, November 19, 2010