
Hierarchy of Planning Documents


Intermunicipal Development Plan

An Intermunicipal Development Plan is a planning document which sets forth future development policies for a predetermined area together with neighboring municipalities. The plan is the highest level and when a lower level plan conflicts, this one is correct.

Alberta Beach Regional Inter-Municipal Development Plan Amendment

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework

The Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework is a list of services provided by neighboring communities.


Municipal Development Plan

The Municipal Development Plan sets a plan for future development within the Summer Village. It plans for the long term, roughly 10 years.


Land Use Bylaw

The Land Use Bylaw uses the policies from the IDP and the MDP to determine regulations regarding development of land within the Summer Village. It sets out a list of guidelines which must be followed for every development within the Summer Village.

Land Use Bylaw Amendment

Summer Villages of Lac. Ste. Anne Regional Emergency Management Plan

Click HERE to get the Summer Villages of Lac. Ste. Anne Regional Emergency Management Plan information you may be looking for.

SVREMP is a collaborative effort by member summer villages to meet the legislative requirements for the planning and delivery of unified emergency management activities for our members and stakeholders. The partnership was formally authorized in 2017, under ministerial order, and has been dedicated to promoting effective emergency management practices in coordination with the overarching provincial mandate and side by side with our regional partners.

CLICK HERE for more information about the SVREMP.